Visual Tools
These infographics and information sheets aim to inform people of the many facets of domestic violence, including warning signs, as well as the ways in which people can help. These are meant for both personal use as well as in the workplace. Here are some of the ways we suggest they can be used:
- Posted in the workplace (i.e. the lunch area, meeting spaces, or entryway)
- Shared on social media - either personal channels or workplace channels
- Posted on your website
- Used in relevant presentations for the workplace
- Shared in common spaces, such as schools, shelters, co-op housing, apartment or condo lobbies, etc.
You can tag us on Twitter with @MakeItOurBiz or on Facebook with @MakeItOurBiz, as we always appreciate seeing these important products used. If you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to email us at
We will continually be adding relevant content to share, so please bookmark this page and check back periodically.
Shatter the silence, stop the violence